Magazine history in Germany
At the end of 2004 the first German Winx Club magazine was published by Panini. Unfortunately, it didn’t take long before they discontinued it again in early 2005. The reason for this is still unknown to me.
In July 2007 the magazine made its come back released by Blue Ocean as number 8/07. Why the choice fell on the number 8 and not number 7 corresponding to the month is still unknown to me.
Even though Germany is the only country that has regularly received new magazines since 2007, not all comics published in Italy have been adopted. Over the years, not only have comics been left out, but they have also been published out of chronological order.
Magazine 01/2024 was called 07/2023 with its release on Dezember 12th 2023. The upcoming magazines from 2024 won’t be called 1 to 6 but 8 to 13.
In issue 11/08, Blue Ocean offered a subscription to the magazine for the first time. After completing the subscription, I received Magazine 12/08 by mail. On June 17, 2019, I received an email that issue 04/19 would be the last to be delivered by mail in the subscription model. During the subscription period between 2008 and 2019, I received the magazines on average earlier than they were available in the store.
Explanation of the table
Panini | General Number: Publishers | All publishers magazines
Comic: German title (Italian magazine number, Italian comic title | English title/translation)
Magazine & Extra: Magazine scans & photos of extras
Release | Purchase Date: Official/announced release date | Personal purchase date
Source for English comic titles: | last visit: 14.08.2023 & own translation when the comic wasn’t released in English
Source for Italian comic titles: | last visit: 14.08.2023 & Azzurra Chericoni on YouTube
Das verrückte Picknick
#222 Pic-nic a sorpresa | Surprise picnic
Die geheimnisvolle Maske
#225 Kiko draghetto mannaro | Kiko weredragon
Die magischen Schuhe
#213 Le scarpette speciali | The special shoes
142 | 146
Am Meeresgrund
#183 Danzado sull’acqua | Dancing on water
09.04.2024 | 09.04.2024
Ferne Reise
#182 Il re delle pleiadi | The king of the pleiades
11.06.2024 | 11.06.2024
Ein besonderer Gast
#229 Una giornata con le Winx | A day with the Winx
06.08.2024 | 06.08.2024
145 | 149
Next issue: 30.09.2024